How do you support local businesses?

And we don’t just mean by buying from them (although that is a pretty epic way to do your bit) We mean how do celebrate your local community?

Have you heard about the Freshies?

If you haven’t then where on earth have you been for the last 12 months, because we’ve been banging on about it for ages!!!!

During lock down we began to think about ways we could celebrate the successes of the underdog, give something back to our community and generally have a bit of light at the end of the dark dark tunnel!!

Those people who don’t always fit into the traditional awards box (and those that do) we’re all about the inclusion…

Anyway, what I mean is that we wanted to give back to everyone – or as many people as we could. We wanted to shout about the business and individuals that were going above and beyond while remaining under the radar!

And why the hell not, there are so many people who need recognition for their hard work. As well as having the perfect excuse for a party 🙂

It’s been a LONG process but we’ve loved every minute of it, from the initial idea and creating the categories to reviewing the video applications – it’s been a blast and we’re super excited to finally be at the last hurdle with it all which means that a party ‘celebration’ is just around the corner WOOoo!!!

There really are some absolutely inspirational people around us, which doesn’t come as a surprise but we do which that more was done to celebrate.

A lot of awards can be a simple popularity contest, but for us it had fair and square showing that it’s about what you do, why you do it and what impact you’ve had – not for the faint hearted or modest – so we drafted in a brilliant bunch and judges to make all the decisions for us (delegation at its finest) and they’ve been incredible giving up their time to review the videos and applications, scoring them etc etc… you get the picture! There’s been a lot of work involved haha

But we know it’ll be worth it…

The categories for the awards were, of course, very Fresh with everything from the Positivity Pioneer to Wellbeing Winner – HR Hero to Planet Protector… see what I mean! Totally out of the norm for awards but that’s just the way we like it (along with as much alliteration as you could swing a cat at)

Anyway, what’s the point to all this… I’m not entirely sure there is one but we’re mega excited about hosting the awards and celebrating with everyone regardless of whether they’re winners or runners up! We’ve missed seeing people’s real faces so please come along and join us!

Get in contact if you would like to find out more!

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