“International Women’s Day 2020 campaign theme is #EachforEqual

An equal world is an enabled world.

Individually, we’re all responsible for our own thoughts and actions – all day, every day.

We can actively choose to challenge stereotypes, fight bias, broaden perceptions, improve situations and celebrate women’s achievements.

Collectively, each one of us can help create a gender-equal world.

Let’s all be #EachforEqual”


What an amazing theme IWD had this year!

You may know that this day is a day we look forward to during the year at Fresh Perspective. As a team of women (for the moment!) we have consistently worked hard to achieve amazing things at Fresh and also in our own personal lives.

This day is important to recognise the fight that women of the past battled to give us the freedom and rights we now have. But there is a long way to go! And we will continue to do our part to ensure that women are supported in their education, and careers.

At Fresh we continuously raise up our team, we are a supportive unit that has a safe space to talk freely regarding work and also any personal issues we are having. It truly is a great business to be a part of. We urge all, business owners, managers, and those in a decision-making position to celebrate the achievements of all the women around you. Even the smallest of wins is something to congratulate and mention!

Here are some thoughts about International women’s day from Laura and Emily, two visionaries in the way a business can be ran within the recruitment sector!

Emily Leyland

“For me International Women’s Day is about reflecting on the past and the progress we have made but also to celebrate how far we have come and where we stand today. Let’s take a moment to be grateful for all of those wonderful individuals who have fought for our right to be seen as equals.

Feminism isn’t about women taking over and being superior to men, feminism is about striving for a better balance and for everyone to have the same right and opportunities as each other.

Sadly, we live in a world that can encourage extremism and this can force the hard work of equality into the shade. Let’s not give light to the people that take these great ideas and use them as poison, let’s remember why this all started and that equality will make the world a better place”

Laura Leyland

“International Women’s Day is an amazing day that shines a light on past and present women who have contributed to society with their talent, perseverance, and timeless wisdom. So much has been achieved since it emerged in the early 1900s from the movements for women’s rights, although there is still a way to go in relation to gender equality. I would love to see a time where women footballers are simply footballers and female CEO’s and board members are just CEO’s and members of the board!

I would also love for women to feel confident enough to not opt to work out in gyms that have a female section or attend women only networking, these should be a thing of the past in my opinion.

Quotes that stand out for me are “A woman is like a teabag – you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water” (Eleanor Roosevelt) because I have surprised myself over the past few years where I’ve been tested and prevailed and it’s been a joy to witness the same happening across the entire Fresh team – through the challenges we’ve each face individually and those we’ve dealt with as a team, we’ve become more confident, assertive and tough.

Another is from Mother Teresa – “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples” as it makes me think of woman kind and what spectacular things we can achieve by standing together and lifting each other up”

What are you doing this year to promote equality?

How did you celebrate IWD this year?

Have a great week!

The Fresh Perspective Team x

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