What is Networking and Why Does It Matter?

As business owners, we’re familiar with being told we need to network but sometimes it’s seen as a chore and it can be hard to generate positivity around it. At its core, networking is all about interacting with other businesses to exchange information and develop professional contacts and relationships.

But why does this process matter so much? If you’ve ever heard the phrase; ‘It’s not what you know, it’s who you know’, then you’ll already understand exactly why networking matters however continue reading for tips on how to make networking a positive experience.

How Can You Network Positively?

As we’ve already mentioned, networking can seem like a chore rather than an opportunity and if you’ve ever experienced aggressive networking then it’s easy to see why.

Unfortunately, we’ve all been at an event where somebody has spent the day pushing their business card into everyone’s hand. Not only is this deeply irritating but it almost guarantees that you’ll never have respect for this person or their professional opinions, the last thing you’re going to do is look to develop this connection.

Impatience, disrespect and poor timing are the networking nightmares so, let’s look at how you can build a positive networking strategy:

In person – Not impersonal

Business networking online is fantastic; to a point. Although LinkedIn is a useful tool it has its limitations. If you approach a potential contact in person, they can immediately associate you with your business and have a direct, personal point of contact rather than a generic email address. After all, first impressions count.


Networking takes time. When we’re passionate about what we do, and we want to share that passion with others it can be frustrating if we don’t get a response immediately. Other business owners we meet face the same challenges as we do, and unfortunately, they don’t always run to the same schedules. When you’re forging a new contact be understanding to this and they’ll be more likely to give you the same respect in future.

Building Trust

If you offer to refer a potential client to a new contact, make sure you follow through with this. Demonstrating consistency is an ideal way to build trust in a budding business relationship and means that they’ll associate that quality with you on both a personal and a professional level.

Benefits of Networking

All this Bon Ami is well and good but what’s in it for you? After all, unless networking works for everyone involved then it isn’t truly positive. Effective networking between businesses will have several key benefits. These will affect your business in both the short and the long term.

Raise your profile

People talking for the right reasons. A positive first impression will make it far easier for somebody to speak highly of your company in the future. It’ll increase the visibility of your company and will help to grow your brand image

Lead Generation

Exchange contacts. A natural outcome of effective networking will be an increase in high-quality leads and an increased flow of referrals from your networking contacts.

Advice & Positive Influence

 Long term benefits in your sector. If you successfully grow your business network to include like-minded individuals, then you can share knowledge and collate information. This means that you’re able to help each other with difficult choices and develop new opportunities in a mutually beneficial way.

The next time you to attend a networking event, embrace it as an opportunity. Welcome the chance to connect with other successful business leaders and see how you can be a positive force to motivate each other’s business growth. Business cards are optional!

Have a wonderful week!

The Fresh Perspective Team x

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