Lockdown 3.0 – The New “Normal”

This is a phrase that at Fresh we haven’t enjoyed since the first lockdown way back last year We understand though that with each lockdown there are repercussions, both mentally and also business wise. It may seem harder to keep going after each knock back and we have also felt this and the negativity that […]

Another transition, Another period of change….

It seems we can’t catch a break at the moment doesn’t it? First came the pandemic, then lockdown, and now a strange period of transition and change as we try to return to some sort of normality. It seems like an eternity ago that we were thinking about planning our birthday and charity events over […]

It’s Beginning To Look A lot Like…. 

It’s Beginning To Look A lot Like….  Christmas! At this time of year, many businesses often retreat into the festivities and business goals, ideas, and innovation take a back seat until the new year. We want you to know that this doesn’t have to be the case! Every year we are baffled by the assumption […]

Does you business have integrity?

The Triumphant Trailblazer winner Andrew Powell stood in front of a sparkle background and balloons holding his award.

Do You Have Integrity?  We know it is an odd thought and idea to think about, but at Fresh Perspective, we are driven by our morals and the way we are different within the recruitment sector, for example how we will still be working over the festive period.  So, what is business integrity? People often […]

Your team equals your business!

The Brilliant Boss winner Lisa Sourbutts stood in front of a sparkle background and balloons holding her award.

Have you thought about the importance of your team?  As your business grows you will need a team of superstar employees around you to continue to grow and achieve your business goals. The bigger you become, the bigger the workload, and we are all only human! As the task list increases, you need to delegate […]

Are You An Eco-friendly Business?

Are You Eco-Friendly? Eco-friendly literally means earth-friendly or not harmful to the environment, and an eco-friendly business is one that tries to lower its impact on its own environment and lower its carbon footprint for example. An eco-friendly business, or “green business” is one that demonstrates a commitment to an environmentally sustainable future. Green businesses […]

The Power of Outsourcing

The Benefits of Outsourcing your Recruitment Have you ever considered the benefits of outsourcing? It’s a role that a lot of companies and freelancers exist to fulfil; taking on those extra jobs that have you bogged down and enabling you to lighten the load on yourself and your employees. Even though it’s becoming more commonplace, […]


Change – A little word that seems so scary ‘Change’ quite simply means, ‘an act or process through which something becomes different’. We often associate change with times of transition, points in our lives that may be felt uncomfortable and where difficult for us. In reality, it’s usually the word itself, not the process of […]

Discover More About Fresh Perspective!

We know that the concept of recruiting a new member of your team can seem like a long and arduous task. Not with Fresh! We’ll find out all about your business and advise you on the best methods of attracting candidates and how your interviews could be structured. How can Fresh Help? These are the […]

Can anyone make a difference in the world?

Making a difference in the world can seem like something that’s totally out of reach especially if you don’t have access to a limitless bank account, resources and more days in the week than what we currently have. But it doesn’t have to be like that. An ordinary person can change the world. That means […]

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