Lockdown 3.0 – The New “Normal”

This is a phrase that at Fresh we haven’t enjoyed since the first lockdown way back last year We understand though that with each lockdown there are repercussions, both mentally and also business wise. It may seem harder to keep going after each knock back and we have also felt this and the negativity that […]

The Freshies Nomination Round!

Have you seen our amazing awards evening we have planned for January?! If not, where have you been?! The Freshies! It’s a celebration of all of the wonderful people within our network and is designed to highlight those skills that traditional awards evenings may not cover! ???????????? ???????????????? ???????????? ????????????????????????????????? We’ve all been through the […]

You Have A Choice…

You have a choice…  Social media feeds, newspapers and the news are all filled with political campaigns and a lot of information at the moment. You must have seen it! It is everywhere. It is incredible how saturated the media has become, and quite often the information that has been presented is far from truthful…. […]

Does you business have integrity?

The Triumphant Trailblazer winner Andrew Powell stood in front of a sparkle background and balloons holding his award.

Do You Have Integrity?  We know it is an odd thought and idea to think about, but at Fresh Perspective, we are driven by our morals and the way we are different within the recruitment sector, for example how we will still be working over the festive period.  So, what is business integrity? People often […]

The Year Is Coming To An End…

The year is coming to an end, but we are not stopping at Fresh Perspective! We know that this is a time of year where some businesses start to wind down until the new year. The recruitment sector is also guilty of this! Fresh Perspective on the other hand is here over the festive period […]

A Small Difference, Can Create A Large Impact

Do you believe that a small change can create a large difference? At Fresh we see this every day when we interact with our clients. We are a recruitment company that is changing the way we deliver and approach recruitment and our change of perspective within our sector is creating waves of positive results for […]

Are you standing in your own way? 

Are you standing in your own way?  Do you feel like there is something in your way? Something stopping you from achieving those new goals or projects? It may actually be yourself. When we apply ourselves to achieve something or learn a new skill, for example, you often find there is a lot of internal […]

It Is Ok To Not Be Ok…

The Changes Around Us The weather is starting to change, and the days are getting shorter. The cool air has become more noticeable and an odd feeling of negativity has started to creep in… This feeling is normal at this time of year and is a mixture of things that naturally happen going into October. The […]

We want to hear from you!  

We want to hear from you! You may have noticed on our social media that our new website is up and running. We are incredibly excited about it and are extremely proud of the work that has been put in over the past few months to bring the idea to a reality!  Our website is […]

The Power of Outsourcing

The Benefits of Outsourcing your Recruitment Have you ever considered the benefits of outsourcing? It’s a role that a lot of companies and freelancers exist to fulfil; taking on those extra jobs that have you bogged down and enabling you to lighten the load on yourself and your employees. Even though it’s becoming more commonplace, […]

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