Discover More About Fresh Perspective!

We know that the concept of recruiting a new member of your team can seem like a long and arduous task. Not with Fresh! We’ll find out all about your business and advise you on the best methods of attracting candidates and how your interviews could be structured. How can Fresh Help? These are the […]

Can anyone make a difference in the world?

Making a difference in the world can seem like something that’s totally out of reach especially if you don’t have access to a limitless bank account, resources and more days in the week than what we currently have. But it doesn’t have to be like that. An ordinary person can change the world. That means […]

Learning From Failure

Steps to success Failure is the first step towards success. Yes, really! It is often used as a very negative word, when we talk about very black and white situations like passing or failing an exam. It’s not such a cut and dry situation though. Failure can be a learning curve in its own right […]

What is your comfort zone?

“I’m right in my comfort zone” – is a phrase that is used so often that it’s easy to forget what it actually means. The comfort zone can be defined as; ‘a psychological place where routines and behaviour fit a regular pattern which reduces risk and stress’. Surely then, by its definition, the is exactly […]

How Can Supporting your Community, Support your Company?

Supporting a cause or charity (or even a local branch of a larger charity) within your community can have a whole host of fantastic and far-reaching benefits. Not only do you create a positive impact for your chosen cause and their mission, but your business can stand to gain too. Social Participation More than just […]

Three Tips To Find Your Ideal Candidate!

Recruitment, it’s a dreaded word that can invoke fear in the most capable of manager. It has a negative stereotype that we at Fresh are trying to change, but the change needs to start within all business as recruitment is necessary for growth. So … you need to recruit because your company is growing, or […]

You Deserve Recognition

Recognition This word can bring the same amount, if not more, fear as many negative words. At Fresh Perspective we find this crazy! As we believe that everyone deserves recognition for their work or the business they have created. We believe that most people shy away from being praised because they feel that they always […]

Are You Unique?

At Fresh Perspective we are encouraging you to consider how unique your business is. Take a second to think about how many businesses there are in your industry, now think about how many of those you would consider a competitor offering the same services that you do. This number can seem daunting, and when Fresh […]

We Challenge You

This article is designed to get individuals within your community to connect with you and discuss their previous challenges with recruitment. We are challenging you to connect with us and share your past experiences regarding recruitment! We created Fresh because we wanted to share our knowledge, help employers be better at recruitment and treat people […]

Let’s Collect Feedback!

We have recently spoken about how you can overcome your fear of feedback, so naturally this week we decided to move on to how you can obtain positive and constructive feedback to utilise in your business. Collecting and acting upon customer feedback is a must for any business looking to provide users with the products […]

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